I'd been meaning to make a wedding chapel in Twinbrook for a while, but I'm glad I put off making it until Late Night came out. The addition of the new dance and party items definitely made waiting a good idea--and, of course, the addition of the piano.
Some quick notes: this lot essentially demands that you own the Romanza wedding set from the Store, so if you don't have it, downloading this would be a bad idea.
It's also built on some rather rough terrain, so it would probably need some touchup after placing. Buuut, I believe other than that, this lot has minimal CC patterns and no CC objects, so it shouldn't be too much of a strain on anyone's poor computer.
I'm going to give very little in way of description because this lot is fairly self-explanatory, but I'll put a few notes here and there.
I know, the outside isn't exactly pretty; but, I assumed that a chapel in Twinbrook would not exactly have the most gorgeous exterior. If you wanna patch up the outside and make the exterior finish a bit more attractive--be my guest. I won't be offended. |
I chose the name "Simslaus Creek Wedding Chapel" because 'Simslaus Creek' is what was dammed in order to form the lake with Twinbrook is built around. Assuming that this chapel was built before that happened, I named it for the creek rather than the lake. |
This is the view from straight through the entrance. |
The bride's bouquet, and some drinks and cupcakes in order to keep her nerves from getting too jittery while waiting to walk down the isle. The towels + lotion are there for... last minute touch-ups, I spose. :) |
The opposite side of the room, where the bridal party can sit. |
The view into the chapel via the reception hall... |
...and the view into the reception hall via the chapel. |
I absolutely *love* the hanging lights in here. They add a nice effect! |
This little alcove is more or less the 'dessert' area, with a romantic statute. (Not the Harpcicle, because I think it's ridiculous.) |
Note that for the dance floor there are speakers mounted on the wall; I don't remember what Music station I have it set to, but if you want to change it, you must go into buy mode on the lot, ctrl+click the speaker, and select your preferred station. |
This was a really annoying lot to place, but I managed to find a spot just big enough (I believe the lot is 30x30) to place a lot right before the bend leading down from the cemetary. It doesn't connect right onto the road, but.. Who cares? ;) Only issues really is maybe some wonky terrain around the edges. |
If for any reason you'd like to download this: Click Here to Download the Wedding Chapel on the Exchange
If it gives you any problems downloading and you'd like it, please let me know and I'll upload it to Mediafire for downloading instead.
Okay, that's it! :) I believe that is going to be the last of the lots I'm going to share, as I haven't gotten around to building my art studio for Twinbrook, and I'm pretty much prepared to start the story back up again.
I'm probably going to be posting the first post for Season Five up on Jan 3rd, which should give me time to get everything done by the time I start. Not a lot left to do, but I don't mind having a nice buffer of time to get stuff accomplished, as well as lots of time to play around with the PS3 I got for Christmas (!!!, thank you Mommy-In-Law!).
I really hope you all had fantastic holidays, but I thoroughly expect to see my RSS feeds light up like fireworks after the new year! ... Just kidding. :)
It looks lovely inside Kaleeko.
As you say, for Twinbrook, you don't want the exterior to be too fancy.
One of these days, I'd like to start slowly building up a community lot - a garden setting wedding.
Thanks, PiB. :) I think it looks much better at night than during the day, personally, so I think my next wedding's gonna be a night one. ^^
A garden wedding setting would be lovely. I made an outdoor wedding lot a long time ago, but it wasn't very garden-y (or all that great). Gardens are a great place to have a wedding--that's where I had mine! :D
I had a garden wedding as well, it was in a local botanic garden. No decorations beyond the lovely setting.
Night weddings == romantic lighting. :) 'nough said.
Forgot to say, I see you have a between Seasons header up. :)
Well. Hello Meredith. Looks like you are having fun in Kaleeko's header. :) *sticks tongue out at Meredith*
I love the chapel Kaleeko. Darn it. I'm going to have to do some building. Looking at all yours makes me want to build.
Haha yeah, the temporary banner's hard to miss. ;D I've slowly been working on making a new one, but I just can't seem to get any shots that inspire me, since I'm not as 'ahead' in screenshotting as I usually am. Goofy Mere is standing in until my creative braincells come back.
Anything to inspire you to build, Dee. :) It's nice to do something else in the game for a bit, since it's so easy to get so hung up on just getting screenshots--I always think it's a great idea to take a few days and just... create, ya know?
Though, there is something I don't really enjoy about building: On the country house, I literally built it four times, and the second to last I furnished the whole thing before deciding I didn't like it, bulldozed it, and started over. The hardest part is being able to admit that and willingly toss out something that's taken 5+ hours. But... I've experienced that a lot, doing art. ;)
I'd love to see anything you make though, Dee. :D
I've done the same thing. Build it. Don't like it. Bulldoze it. Start over. I do the same thing with my crafts. I finished the other hat I was working on. Started a new one. This new one has been started about 4 times now. I keep messing up and starting over. Not starting over any more. I finally have it figured out.
I have to put the disc in to do something with the game. I've been taking a short break. When I play I like to play for several hours and haven't had time to do that so I haven't even started it up. Soon I'll get to play and maybe build something.
Haha, at least you're persistent, Dee! I tend to give up if things frustrate me too much, especially things that are knitting/sewing/craft related.
Buildings in the Sims are easy enough to start over, at least--but I've gotten in the habit of saving things to the library before I bulldoze, just in case I find later I can recycle it. Doesn't happen often, though.
I'd hide your disk for a bit longer. ;) The holidays are a great time to spend gaming, but they can't be the only thing we do. I know I haven't gotten much of anything accomplished the past week or two... *whistle*
This is gorgeous, I love how it's not overly decadent. Very simple, yet very classy. Nice use of the Romanza set!!
Rec'd it. :)
Thank you, Cheezy! :)
I always think making things a bit too unduly complicated is a bad idea, at least for a commercial lot--especially one supposed to host parties. I'm glad I still managed to make it look pretty without adding too much.
I've also been doing a lot in the house. I'll finally get to visit the family this weekend.
I would probably have given up on this hat by now but really want it. I'm not making it in the color in the picture and am making the longer size because I don't like the short version but here is the link to a picture of the hat that has had me saying some very *not nice* words.
Oooh, that's really cute, Dee! I can see why it's giving you trouble, though--the raised pattern in the center is probably a nightmare... but then, I know very little about knitting except giant needles are fun pretend drumsticks.
I bet it'll come after some persistence. :) And that'll make it feel all the more special once it's finished, too.
Luckily the person who taught me to knit is one of my employers at work and she showed me what I was doing wrong. I now know what I'm doing and am having a lot of fun with it. I was going to make the short version but am having so much fun, I bought more yarn so I can make it longer.
Next project is building something in my game. :)
You're gonna have to post some pictures when you're finished -- both whatever you decide to build and your awesome hat. :D
Glad you have someone around to help. It's always so much easier to tackle making things when you've got a little help along the way. :)
Haha. The only way the hat will be pictured is if I take a picture of it on one of the styrofoam heads at work. Since I got old, I hate having my picture taken.
I will post whatever I build though.
Beautiful job Kaleeko! It look so romantic. I see you've made the most of the EA wedding objects.
Looking forward to the new update of the Kanes. :)
Thanks, Jen! :D Romantic is what I was going for, definitely. Gotta love mood lighting!
The Kanes are booting back up in a couple of days--can't wait to get started again, myself. :D
The Chapel looks beautiful. Can't wait to see the Travis or Bradley have their wedding day there. :)
Awww, thank you, MJ.
What about Amelia, hmm?! Can't she get married there, too? *tease* I kid, I kid. And, I will give you that--it definitely was built for a reason, and Travis or Brad are definitely next in line to tie the knot... ;)
Happy New Year back atcha! <3 *hugdance!*
Pleasee upload it to mediafire xxx <33 love this very muuucchhh <33
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