Desperate Sims: Season Six Trailer

Sunday, April 10, 2011

As a promotional tool for SILC, I made this-here trailer for this season of Desperate Sims!

(Best viewed in HD; please do!)

Yes, it does contain some spoilery things. Just don't jump to too many conclusions. ;) We haven't even gotten 2 episodes into the Season yet, so making too many assumptions probably won't get you much of anywhere!

Hooray for more machinima practice though, right? I hope you guys enjoy!

Oh, and yes: I did copy MJ and Amelia and added a Grooveshark widget to the side of the page. Now you can listen to the soundtrack of Desperate Sims! :D


Sara April 10, 2011 at 4:45 PM  

I've already told you this, but it's FANTASTIIIIIC.

Unknown April 10, 2011 at 6:04 PM  

*glomp* Thank you, Amelia!! I'm not 100% pleased, but nigh close. Turned out a lot better than I thought it would!

Also fun to play with my video skillz again. :D

Di Al Martini April 10, 2011 at 7:39 PM  

I'm so curious about what will happen next. Who's the one getting in jail? It seems like "she" to me, but I may be wrong.

The video is fantastic. I love it!

Good luck for SILC! I'm sure that you will win the award. You have a great series here.

Unknown April 10, 2011 at 7:43 PM  

Thanks, MJ! <3<3

It is a she, but it could be anybody... Even someone that hasn't appeared in the blog, yet... ;) Such is why I say not to make any assumptions yet!

And thanks, about SILC! To be honest I don't care much about winning, especially since I'll be focusing more on reading other people's stuff by the end--to me it's more just about putting myself out there and maybe getting to know some new people. I've been fairly sheltered from the Sims community until now and I want to change that. There's lots of really cool people out there!

Thanks again, MJ! <3

PiB - Nicarra April 11, 2011 at 1:11 AM  

Let's see. Several cute toddlers and children. Then again we know Travis has three and Brad has one cutie so no spoilers there.

Jeb is up to something. No spoilers there.

Someone is thrown in prison but not enough information to do anything there.

Alesha needs a shoulder to cry on and Travis watches Jade go out the door. Poor guys.

Nice work, it doesn't really reveal anything, just sets some scenes.

Jen April 11, 2011 at 2:27 AM  

Wonderful job Kaleeko. :)

I think this season might be a doosy! lol

Chrysame April 11, 2011 at 5:02 AM  

Wow! The music is perfect! And just enough to speculate wildly on what is going to happen.

Gah! Who is dressed in black and laying on the floor?!!! Is it Jeb?! GAHHHHH!!!

Unknown April 11, 2011 at 1:13 PM  

You pretty much hit the nail on the head; I'm glad I didn't reveal *too* much, as the Season is just starting and that would be no fun!

Though, I'm curious (of everyone, not just you): What are your guys' theories on why Alesha is crying?


Unknown April 11, 2011 at 1:14 PM  

Awww, thank you Jen!

I agree--It's gonna be a doozy. And this trailer only really shows part of what's going to happen; the rest I couldn't reveal at all because... Well. Can't give away TOO much!

Unknown April 11, 2011 at 1:16 PM  


I knoooww, I LOVE that song! It's Desperate Sims official theme song now--which is w hy it's listed first on my little Grooveshark widgth. :D

And, you're the first to have particular interest in who the dead body is! Now, I promise it's not any of the main characters 'cause like, I promised at one point I wouldn't do anything quite that cruel again, but...

... well. Who it is and why? >:D Up to you to try and deduce!

PiB - Nicarra April 11, 2011 at 2:48 PM  

I left out the body because a) there's not a lot to go on and b)there is a collapsed Sim in the new banner and there still isn't much to go on. Primary assumptions is that it's one of Jeb's crew - a warehouse and a lot of black clothes. Beyond that...

And Alesha crying - in your blog it could be anything that has gone wrong. LOL In a blog like mine, most likely she'd be feeling guilty about being a klepto or just heard one of her parents passed on.

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